I have question about scale in fuzzy dematel, since they have the same name but they are different each other
I think the 5 point scal correct (0,0.25,0.5,0,75,1)
but the secod and third need I am not sure about but as simple tinking should be 7 and 9 point scale
So could you please advise about the differnces between the scales and when I can use each of them?
I have question about scale in fuzzy dematel, since they have the same name but they are different each other
I think the 5 point scal correct (0,0.25,0.5,0,75,1)
but the secod and third need I am not sure about but as simple tinking should be 7 and 9 point scale
So could you please advise about the differnces between the scales and when I can use each of them?