Fuzzy AHP Software
Fuzzy AHP is a user-friendly solution tailored for seamless Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process

With Fuzzy AHP Software You Can :
1. Draw the Hierarchical Chart
2. Select/Create Your Own Fuzzy Scale
3. Fill the Pair Comparison Tables
4. Obtain the Complete Report

Why Fuzzy AHP Online Software?
User-friendly interface
Easily Copy & Paste from Excel
Comprehensive Help
Free Demo Version
No installation Required
Edit Each Project
Fuzzy AHP Software Output Report:
- Display and download hierarchical graph
- The relative weights of criteria, sub-criteria, and alternatives concerning the higher level and in alignment with the overarching goal
- Inconsistency ratio for each pair wise comparison matrix
- Download the Excel file for pairwise comparisons related to each export
- And So on…

Fuzzy AHP Software Features:
- Simple design
- Customize the visual representation of graphs
- No restrictions on the quantity of criteria/sub-criteria
- No limitations on the number of alternatives
- Instant design capabilities
- Export data without any limitations.
- Examine the average judgments associated with the exported data
- Calculate the Consistency Ratio (CR)
- Easily copy and paste data directly from Excel.
- Customize each project according to your requirements
Fuzzy AHP Software Price:
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€20 1 month
€20 1 month
€34 2 month
€34 2 month
€90 3 month
€90 3 month
Can be paid with PayPal, Visa card, Master card and…