Comparison of DEA analysis softwares
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is viewed as a non-parametric strategy in tasks and financial matters research that measures or gauges the exhibition of creation units. Of course, here, the production unit can include factories as well as service companies. As a result, data envelopment analysis can be used in any economic activity, and decision-making units’ efficiency in that area can be obtained.
What is Data Envelopment Analysis?
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is viewed as a non-parametric strategy in tasks and financial matters research that measures or gauges the exhibition of creation units. Of course, here, the production unit can include factories as well as service companies. As a result, data envelopment analysis can be used in any economic activity, and decision-making units’ efficiency in that area can be obtained. This article will shortly get acquainted with data envelopment analysis (DEA) and learn its terms.
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Applications
As mentioned, DEA can be used whenever performance comparisons are needed. For example, government regulators use the DEA to benchmark the performance standards of companies and industries. In this way, the number of people employed (employed), profit (loss), capital (primary and in circulation) and the amount of production as input and the number of customers, the energy transferred, and product life as output Are used. Recently, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has been used to measure the effectiveness of “Not for Profit Organizations” such as government hospitals or “Non-Governmental Organizations.”
In the DEA, service units are compared according to the resources and the type of services they consume and produce. The units with the highest efficiency are identified in this section (department, department, staff). Units with low efficiency are identified, and such units’ ideal (practical) efficiency is also determined. In this way, with the help of DEA, a tool can be created to compare the efficiency of departments or activities of companies or organizations.
The number and type of resources saved by increasing the productivity of each DMU are measured by the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique. In this way, inefficient units are encouraged to be efficient or improve their productivity through policies.
Because the inefficiency of low-productivity units is measured, management can optimize their financial savings by optimizing them. Even with the help of DEA, administrators can activate efficient DMUs and improve their productivity without adding input (new resources).
By receiving information about the efficiency of the manufacturing and service sectors, management can increase its capabilities, especially in decision-making, and lead the organization to excellence.
DEA Solver pro
In recent years, various DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) applications have been seen to evaluate the performance of many different types of entities in many different activities in many different contexts in many different countries. One explanation is that DEA has opened up the chance of utilizing different techniques in light of the complex (typically obscure) nature of the connection between various data sources and numerous outputs involved in these activities (frequently reported). In non-measurable units). This type of application extends to the performance evaluation of cities, regions, and countries with many different types of inputs and outputs. These inputs and outputs include “social” expenditures and “safety nets” as inputs, as well as “quality of life” Each dimension is used as output. Dea-solver-lv download is easy. Dea solver pro crack version can be found on the Internet but it’s not as good as the original.

Dea solver online ™ is based on W.W. Cooper, L.M. Saiford, and K. Tones, 2nd edition (Springer 2006). DEA Book 2nd Edition (Hardcover)
Some of the features and capabilities of this data envelopment analysis software are as follows:
- Calculate types of data envelopment analysis models
- Calculate performance values
- Calculation of reference units
- Calculating Lambda values (coefficients of units)
- Calculation of auxiliary values (deficit and surplus)
- Display input and output weights
- Display target values for inputs and outputs
- Displays chart types, including possibility set diagrams and comparison charts of target values and principal values
- Excel output also copy and paste from/to Excel in a way that is fully compatible with all versions of the Office suite
- Solve simplex formulas separately (coming soon)
Models currently added to the software include:
- Constant Scale Efficiency (CRS) as input and output axis
- Variable scale output (VRS) efficiency as input and output axis
- Return to scale (DRS) returns as input and output axis
- Return to incremental scale (IRS) as input and output axis
- Anderson Peterson models (super-efficient radial)
- Collective model (will be added to the software in the next version)
Dea-solver software free download is not advisable from strange websites, it is better to download the free version from the official website. Dea solver lv download: you can also get this version from various websites such as
Maxdea software is a simple to-utilize however more remarkable information envelopment investigation programming with the accompanying alluring highlights:
1) The most comprehensive DEA model. MaxDEA contains more than 15,000 AED models, including the most complex network AED models, and the number is still growing.
2) There is no limit to the unit of DMUs. With MaxDEA, you can develop large DEA models with many DMUs (for example, 10,000 units).
3) Easy to use.

MaxDEA is an environmentally friendly software. You do not need to install MaxDEA. MaxDEA is very easy to back up. The DEA model program and database are integrated into one access database file (.mdb), which is convenient for backup. The information base and all DEA model choices are for all time saved to the record, which implies that in the wake of shutting and returning the document, the data set and model details stay unaltered. MaxDEA uses a standard database format, which means that you don’t need to use field names to indicate input/output attributes. You can run different models at the same time. The only file required to run the program is MaxDEA.mdb. You can rename or copy the mdb file as needed. You can open and run four to five mdb files at the same time.
- Easy to use
- No limit on DMU quantity
- Basic model only
- Distance – Radial, Non-Radial (SBM), Cost, Revenue and Profit model
- Direction – In, Out and no direction
- Return to Scale: CRS, VRS, NIRS, NDRS, and GRS
- The complete DEA model and all possible combinations.
- Front graph and front displacement graph of panel data
MaxDEA Ultra is a newly designed application, more enhanced than MaxDEA Pro.
Due to the streamlined design and parallel computing, the MaxDEA Ultra can make full use of its multi-core CPU. Compared to MaxDEA Pro, it uses dual-core CPUs. The Bootstrap model can be 50 times faster.
DEAFrontierTM Free Edition
In case you are keen on utilizing DEAFrontier for instructive and research purposes, you can download the free preliminary rendition of DEAFrontier, which incorporates the accompanying DEA models:
- Envelope model (CRS, VRS; input-oriented) (CRS for constant returns to scale)
- Multiplier model (CRS, VRS; input-situated) (VRS represents variable re-visitations of scale, including consistent, expanding and diminishing re-visitations of scale)
- Slack-based model (CRS sum model )
- Explicit estimation model (CRS, VRS; input-arranged)) (Selected estimations are controllable, and unselected estimations are wild).
The maximum number of DMUs allowed by the free version is 20.

Banxia frontier analysis
If you are interested in your business performance, then you are interested in frontier analysis dea software. It provides you with detailed information about the business unit’s performance and how to improve its performance. More importantly, because the measurement is based on the comparison of peer groups, the improvement objectives are realistic. Frontier Analyst is now used by many companies, from small and medium-sized companies to multinational companies.

Companies like Whitbread plc, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Bank of Scotland, and Direct Line Insurance use Frontier Analyst to assess efficiency.
Frontier Analyst has the accompanying fundamental highlights, which we trust to make it the best information envelopment examination item accessible:
- Easy-to-use interface, which has been widely praised in independent reviews, has been further improved.
- Weighing facilities to ensure that important factors are always taken into account. Versions
- Support 75 to “unlimited” decision units.
- It uses a unique “wizard” to import tools from files and spreadsheets flexibly.
- Input data filtering and single unit include/exclude provide flexible input data management. Filtering supports text and date fields and numbers.
- The selection of input/output variables is a powerful “whatif” evaluation that is easy to perform.
- Table score report (with multiple classification methods) and graphical summary.
- Analyzes all aspects of high-quality 3D scalable graphical views: “One of the most powerful features is the variety of results generated and an excellent graphical representation of the relationships between units.” New charts include enhanced summaries and score distribution summaries. The
- A report generator is used for flexible report printing, with an optional report designer for customization.
All of these combine to supply you with a very flexible and powerful efficiency analysis package whose functions are not available in other similar software.
To ensure you get the most value from Frontier Analyst, we provide a comprehensive support service:
Now offers a variety of support options to give users more confidence. The training course is designed to help you get started quickly with the software.
Consultation is provided in conjunction with independent consultants.
Overall, Frontier Analyst® enables you to:
- Identify best practices to find best practices
- Identify underperforming
- Set realistic and peer-based improvement goals
- Discover the most significant potential efficiency gains
- Distribute more effectively Resources
- Visualize important information
- Inform strategy formulation
- Dig more profoundly than the “bottom line.”
Onlineoutput (best)
nline software is cloud-based and is not required to install the program. Users import data in the online software and then follow the project to set the desired configuration and get the output.
Dea software does not have to pay a lot of money to buy a software license.
Why is it
- Demonstration Version
- User Friendly
- Limited Run
- Unlimited Execute
- Low Price
- Full Help
DEA Software Output Report include:
- Efficiency
- Efficiency chart
- peers (reference sets)
- peer weight (lambda)
- peer count
- input slacks
- output slacks
- input targets
- output targets
- Dual variable for input
- Dual variable for output
- and many other things that you need to try and find out