Thomas L. Saaty
Dr. Thomas L. Saaty is a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Pittsburgh’s Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business. Dr. Saaty is the creator of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a mathematical method that is proven to enhance decision-making outcomes for complex and thorny problems, especially those that involve multiple stakeholders, a scarcity of resources, limited data, and limited time with which to make a decision — in short, all of the factors inherent in the study of economics.
A Brief Description of the Book
This book is about how to make decisions using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The basics of the theory are described in a clear, non-technical manner with many examples. It is suitable for business leaders and also is probably the best book for introducing the AHP to students at the college and graduate level. In this fifth printing of the book the reader will find a new appendix containing real-life applications that validate the use of the fundamental scale of the AHP.
Making Decisions in a Qomplex world
Analyzing and Structuring Hierarchies
Practical Examples of Hierarchies
Establishing Priorities
Step byStep Examples of the Process
Details of the AHP in a Nutshell
Homogeneity and Clustering
Resolving Conflict
Analyzing BenefitZCost Decisions and Resource Allocation
Prac ical EX m le of Benefi 0 Anal sis n Resource
Making Group Decisions
Appendix Decision Making Scaling and Number Qrunching
yalidation Examples