AHP in GIS: Spatial Decision-Making

In a GIS context, AHP is used to solve spatial problems by incorporating spatial data and multiple decision-making criteria that have geographical components. AHP is particularly useful in GIS when performing Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), which helps evaluate multiple conflicting criteria in spatial decision-making. Common applications of AHP in GIS include land suitability analysis, site selection, hazard assessment, natural resource management, and urban planning.
1. Defining the Spatial Problem
In GIS, the first step is to define the spatial problem. For example, you may want to identify the most suitable location for urban development, the best area for agricultural use, or areas prone to flood risk. The goal is to answer a spatial question (e.g., “Where is the best location for a new school?”).
2. Criteria Selection and Hierarchical Structure
After defining the spatial problem, the next step is to select the criteria that will be considered. These criteria could include factors like land use, slope, elevation, proximity to roads, soil type, or distance to water sources.
Example of a hierarchy for site selection:
• Goal: Identify the best location for a new residential area.
• Criteria:
0. Land suitability
1. Distance to roads
2. Access to public services (schools, hospitals)
3. Environmental impact
4. Land cost
• Sub-criteria (optional): For example, under “Land suitability,” you could have sub-criteria like soil type, slope, and drainage.
3. Data Collection and GIS Layers
For each criterion, spatial data is collected and represented as GIS layers. These layers contain geospatial information relevant to the decision criteria. For example:
• Elevation data (for slope analysis)
• Land cover data (for land use analysis)
• Road network data (for proximity to roads)
These data layers are often raster-based, where each cell in the grid represents a value for that criterion at a specific geographic location.
4. Pairwise Comparison in GIS
Once the criteria and sub-criteria are identified, a pairwise comparison matrix is created to determine the relative importance of each criterion. Experts or decision-makers assign weights to each criterion by comparing them in pairs using Saaty’s 1-9 scale.
For instance, if proximity to roads is considered twice as important as land cost, you would assign a value of “2” for that comparison.
5. Overlay Analysis in GIS
Once the weights of the criteria are determined, they are used in a weighted overlay analysis in GIS. In this step:
• Each GIS layer is assigned a weight based on its importance (derived from the AHP method).
• The layers are combined to create a suitability map that shows the best locations based on the overall score of each area.
For example, a location that is close to a road, has good land suitability, and is cost-effective would receive a higher score, making it a more suitable site for development.
6. Results Interpretation
The final result is often a map showing the spatial distribution of suitability or risk, depending on the problem. The locations with the highest scores represent the best options based on the criteria and the weights assigned through AHP.

Applications of AHP in GIS

1. Land Use Planning: AHP is commonly used for land use planning and zoning. Decision-makers can assess the suitability of different areas for agriculture, urban development, conservation, or industrial use by considering multiple criteria like soil quality, infrastructure, and environmental constraints.
2. Disaster Management: AHP can help identify vulnerable areas prone to natural hazards like floods, landslides, or earthquakes. By combining different layers such as elevation, slope, rainfall, and land use, AHP can rank areas based on their susceptibility to disasters.
3. Site Selection: AHP integrated with GIS is widely used for selecting the best sites for infrastructure development, such as hospitals, schools, transportation hubs, or renewable energy projects. Criteria such as accessibility, environmental impact, and population density can be evaluated using this method.
4. Environmental and Natural Resource Management: Environmental assessments and resource allocation (e.g., water resources, forest management) can benefit from AHP, allowing experts to weigh ecological, economic, and social factors in decision-making.
5. Urban Planning: In urban planning, AHP helps in decision-making processes like where to place new residential zones, industrial parks, or public services by evaluating multiple spatial criteria.

Advantages of AHP in GIS

• Systematic Decision-Making: AHP provides a structured way to handle complex decision-making problems by breaking them into manageable parts.
• Incorporates Subjective Judgments: AHP allows subjective judgments and expert opinions to be incorporated into the decision-making process and quantified.
• Flexibility: AHP can accommodate both qualitative and quantitative data, making it suitable for various applications in GIS.
• Consistency Check: AHP includes a built-in consistency check to ensure that the pairwise comparisons made by decision-makers are logically sound.
Challenges and Limitations
• Subjectivity: AHP heavily relies on expert judgment, and the outcomes may vary based on the decision-makers’ preferences.
• Complexity with Large Datasets: As the number of criteria and alternatives increases, the pairwise comparisons can become overwhelming and time-consuming.
• Spatial Data Accuracy: The quality of the final decision depends on the accuracy and resolution of the spatial data used.