Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a non-parametric method used to evaluate the efficiency of decision-making units (DMUs), which are often organizations, such as banks, schools, or hospitals, that transform inputs (resources) into outputs (products or services). DEA is based on linear programming and helps identify the best-performing units and benchmarks for less efficient ones. Below are the main DEA models:

1. CCR (Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes) Model

– Orientation: Can be input- or output-oriented.
– Assumption: Assumes constant returns to scale (CRS), meaning that increasing the inputs by a certain factor will increase the outputs by the same factor.
– Application: Used when all DMUs are assumed to operate at an optimal scale.
– Goal: Measures technical efficiency. It identifies how much a DMU can proportionally reduce its inputs (input-oriented) or increase its outputs (output-oriented) while remaining efficient.

2. BCC (Banker, Charnes, and Cooper) Model

– Orientation: Can be input- or output-oriented.
– Assumption: Assumes variable returns to scale (VRS), which allows for increasing or decreasing returns to scale (outputs do not change in direct proportion to inputs).
– Application: Suitable for cases where DMUs operate under different scales of production, and some might not be operating at an optimal scale.
– Goal: Measures pure technical efficiency, separating the effect of scale efficiency from technical efficiency.

3. Additive Model

– Orientation: Non-radial and non-oriented (focuses on both input reduction and output expansion simultaneously).
– Assumption: Can be applied under both constant and variable returns to scale.
– Application: Useful when the goal is to simultaneously reduce inputs and increase outputs.
– Goal: Identifies slacks (unused potential) in both inputs and outputs to enhance overall efficiency.

4. Super-Efficiency Model

– Orientation: Can be input- or output-oriented.
– Assumption: Can be used under both CRS and VRS assumptions.
– Application: Allows efficient DMUs (efficiency score = 1) to be differentiated by measuring how much their inputs can increase or outputs can decrease while maintaining efficiency.
– Goal: Ranks DMUs beyond the efficient frontier to help identify the most efficient among those already classified as efficient.

5. Malmquist Productivity Index

– Orientation: Focuses on measuring productivity change over time.
– Assumption: Typically assumes variable returns to scale.
– Application: Suitable for analyzing changes in efficiency over multiple periods or time intervals.
– Goal: Measures productivity improvements or regressions by comparing efficiency scores from different time periods. It distinguishes between technical change (shifts in the production frontier) and efficiency change (movement toward or away from the frontier).

6. Slack-Based Measure (SBM) Model

– Orientation: Non-radial and non-oriented.
– Assumption: Can be used under both CRS and VRS assumptions.
– Application: Focuses on capturing both input and output slacks, which are surplus inputs or shortfall outputs not captured by traditional efficiency measures.
– Goal: Provides a more detailed view of inefficiencies by directly accounting for excess inputs and insufficient outputs, leading to more precise efficiency evaluations.

7. Network DEA Model

– Orientation: Divides the DMU into multiple processes or stages.
– Assumption: Can incorporate different returns to scale for each stage of production.
– Application: Suitable for systems where processes or units are interconnected (e.g., supply chains, multi-stage production).
– Goal: Measures the efficiency of both the overall system and each sub-process within the DMU, identifying bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement.

8. Two-Stage DEA Model

– Orientation: Sequential analysis of two stages of the production process.
– Assumption: Can operate under CRS or VRS assumptions for each stage.
– Application: Useful for analyzing DMUs that operate in two distinct phases, such as firms that first process raw materials and then sell products.
– Goal: Evaluates the efficiency of both stages separately and as a whole, offering a more comprehensive view of DMU performance.

9. Stochastic DEA

– Orientation: Can be input- or output-oriented.
– Assumption: Incorporates stochastic elements (randomness) in inputs and outputs.
– Application: Accounts for uncertainties or noise in the data, useful in settings where inputs and outputs are subject to variability or measurement errors.
– Goal: Provides a more robust efficiency analysis by considering randomness and ensuring that results are not skewed by data variability.

DEA is highly flexible and can be adapted to various contexts depending on the nature of the DMUs, the available data, and the specific research question. These models allow organizations to better understand their operational efficiency and make informed decisions for improvement.