Here’s an example of a decision-making problem related to education: Evaluation of Teaching Methods for Language Learning Courses

Evaluate language teaching methods using Fuzzy VIKOR. Apply fuzzy logic to handle uncertainties, rank alternatives based on criteria, and select the most suitable approach for effective language learning outcomes.

In this example, Fuzzy VIKOR will be used to evaluate and rank the alternatives based on the defined criteria. The project team will apply fuzzy logic to handle uncertainties and linguistic variables in the decision-making process. Fuzzy VIKOR will consider the trade-off between criteria, determine the best compromise alternative, and provide a comprehensive ranking of teaching methods for language learning courses. The results of the Fuzzy VIKOR analysis will assist in selecting the most suitable teaching method that balances the desired criteria and promotes effective language learning outcomes.

1. Objective

Evaluation of Teaching Methods for Language Learning Courses

2. Determining the model and criteria

In this step, the model and criteria  are determined:

Model:  Fuzzy Vikor
Number of Criteria: 5
Number of Alternatives: 5

Criteria names:

Feedback and Assessment


Communicative Approach
Task-Based Learning
Grammar-Translation Method
Audio-Lingual Method
Total Physical Response (TPR)

2. Create decision matrix

After determining the criteria and alternatives, the decision matrix is formed. It organizes criteria in columns and alternatives in rows, assigning scores to each criterion and assessing each alternative’s performance. The table below shows the decision matrix.

Effectiveness Engagement Adaptability Practicality Feedback and Assessment
Communicative Approach (0.625,0.875,1.000) (0.250,0.375,0.625) (0.250,0.375,0.625) (0.375,0.500,0.625) (0.250,0.375,0.625)
Task-Based Learning (0.250,0.375,0.625) (0.375,0.625,0.750) (0.125,0.375,0.625) (0.000,0.000,0.250) (0.125,0.250,0.500)
Grammar-Translation Method (0.250,0.375,0.625) (0.500,0.750,0.875) (0.125,0.250,0.500) (0.250,0.500,0.750) (0.250,0.500,0.750)
Audio-Lingual Method (0.250,0.375,0.625) (0.500,0.750,1.000) (0.250,0.375,0.625) (0.000,0.125,0.375) (0.375,0.625,0.750)
Total Physical Response (TPR) (0.125,0.250,0.500) (0.000,0.125,0.375) (0.375,0.625,0.750) (0.125,0.375,0.625) (0.000,0.125,0.375)

3. Run software:

The data is placed in the software and the software is executed. The following video shows the implementation of the software:

4. Get Result

In this step, you can see the result of the report. The report is presented in three types of formats: online report, Excel and Word. You can view or download three types of formats below.

In the output report, there are all the steps of  Fuzzy Vikor step by step along with the relevant table.


You can also run your project in Fuzzy Vikor online software: