Decision-making tools provider

Simplify Solving Complex Problems

You can simplify the decision-making process and make better decisions.

endorsed worldwide by institutions and organizations

a common toold in industries and universities 

Registered user

important choices made

universities & researcher

academic projects

“Onlineoutput simplifies incredibly complex analysis into actionable insights. The Onlineoutput team provides amazing support and expertise”

Marlene Baquiran

Our methods

Make decisions easily using our tools


We provide Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) software along with educational books, authoritative articles, and practical examples to help you evaluate the efficiency of organizations and decision-making units.


By offering Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) software, books, practical articles, and step-by-step examples, we simplify multi-criteria decision-making for you, making it easy to understand.

Fuzzy AHP

We provide FUZZY AHP software along with comprehensive educational resources, specialized articles, and real-world examples to help you make the best decisions under uncertainty.

Other methods

fuzzy dematel software

Fuzzy DEMATEL method

fuzzy vikor software

Fuzzy VIKOR method

fuzzy topsis software

Fuzzy TOPSIS method

dematel software

DEMATEL method

vikor software

VIKOR method

topsis software

TOPSIS method

Fuzzy saw software

Fuzzy SAW method

saw software

SAW method

promethee software


ANP software

ANP Software

Fuzzy ANP software

Fuzzy ANP Software

Swara software

SWARA method

WASPAS software

WASPAS Software

pairwise comparison online tool

Free to use, User-friendly interface ,Fast decision-making tool

pairwise comparison online tool

How it works

User-friendly and scalable processes you can have confidence in

1. Define Project

Specify the criteria, alternatives, and their respective attributes.

2. Enter Data

Enter your data into the software

3. Run

Simply click the “Run” button to execute the software.


4. Results

Get a detailed report including analysis steps, formulas, tables, and result interpretations.


 Access To A Free Trial Version

User-Friendly Interface

Unlimited Usage

No Installation Required

Capability For Data and Model Editing

Cost-Effective Pricing

Comprehensive Help & Support

“onlineoutput simplifies incredibly complicated analysis to usable insights. Awesome support and expertise from the onlineoutput team.”


The articles section of the website features a collection of the latest and most credible scientific and research articles from international databases. This section provides users with access to up-to-date and reliable information across various fields. For more, visit the articles section.


The examples section of the website showcases a variety of sample problems across different fields, solved using online software tools. This section helps users understand the practical applications of the software. For more examples, visit this section.

What is serves as a leading online software provider, offering a platform for students, professors, researchers, and various other users to efficiently input data and obtain their desired output.