by admin | Oct 30, 2018 | blog, Fuzzy Ahp
Gogus and Boucher (1998) developed a method for calculating the inconsistency ratio of fuzzy pairwise comparison matrices, which its steps are given as follows. STEP 1: Transform a triangular fuzzy matrix into two independent matrices. At this step, a triangular...
by admin | Oct 19, 2018 | blog, Fuzzy Ahp
Consider a group of K decision-makers involved in the research:they make pairwise comparisons of n elements. As a result of thepairwise comparisons, we get a set of K matrices, where represents a relative importance of element ito j, as assessed by the expert k. The...
by admin | Oct 10, 2018 | blog, Fuzzy Ahp
Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS approaches to prioritizing solutions for reverse logistics barriers 1 Equal importance 1 1 1 2 Equal to moderate importance 1 2 3 3 Moderate importance 2 3 4 4 Moderate to strong importance 3 4 5 5 Strong importance 4 5 6 6 Strong to very strong...
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